Sunday, March 31, 2013

Out with the People.... Part 9

After lunch on Thursday we once again went out into the valley to do the Bring the Light project again!   As with the previous days we gathered a large following of children wherever we went.  It was so much fun to be walking along and suddenly feel a tiny little hand slip into yours and look down into this sweet, smiling little face. 

Kenyan children are some of the most beautiful children!

A picture from the drive to the valley.

Some of the sweet children, I just loved them, but truly, how can you not?

One of the men on the roof of one of the shanties putting in a plastic skylight for the bring the light project I mentioned before.

Walking in the valley.

Speed was a huge Arsenal fan and loved seeing all of the Arsenal stuff.

Sweet children.

The crowd of children we always managed to collect.

We were there towards the end of the rainy season so for a few days we had some gentle rain.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Life of Jesus... Kenya Part 8

After the assembly in the school yard, we went inside for our last day of VBS with the kids.
This day was Thursday and we taught them about the life of Jesus.  In story time, Speed (Josh) began with the virgin birth, then told of His miracles, ending with his death and resurrection.  In crafts we had the kids make mobiles of the life of Jesus so that they could use them to tell others about Jesus!  When we visited homes later in the week, several of us saw the mobiles hanging up in some of the homes!
Showing their crafts to us
Working studiously on their crafts.
Cute little girls being silly
The Bible verse the kids learned throughout the week

Every day we all enjoyed listening to the kids sing with Jake, Aubrey and Zach.
A few of us also got to meet kids with the same names as ourselves!
Me with one of the sweet Michelle's I met. :-)
Bryan with two other Brians
Whether we met someone with the same name as us or not, we all made some great friends!
Speed with the kids
Aubrey with some of the kids.
Dad with Daniel, one of the social workers he became good friends with.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Early Morning Assembly..... Kenya Part 7

Hey everyone!  Another Kenya update!  I have so many pictures from Thursday that I have decided to split them up between probably two or three posts as a way to be able to upload more of them since I am having such a hard time choosing which ones to share!  :)

Thursday morning began just like our other days, I woke up around five forty-five so I could be downstairs a little before six for our groups Bible study.  Hehe, I think I just saw every single one of those who know me outside of this blogs eyeballs just pop out of their heads at that announcement.  I know I am not a morning person, but amazingly, in Kenya I am very much so a morning person as well as my usual night owlish self, yeah, I got the best of  both worlds there!  I always loved the early morning times there, they were very peaceful and a great way to prepare for the day.  Around seven, or seven thirty we would eat breakfast  and then try to leave for Mathare by eight. 

Our group after breakfast spending some time together before we left for Mabatini.

Next are some  pictures from our daily drive to Mabatini in Mathare,  it was so beautiful!  Amazingly, we never really ran into the famous stuck-in-one-place-forever traffic jams, for which we were quite grateful.

We arrived at Mabatini in time for the morning assembly which is just so precious, I love watching the children sing their praise to God as I showed you in a video in a previous post from a different day.

L to R: Glenn (One of the missionaries), Dad, Zach (One of the interns), Jake, Me

L to R: Bryan, Lynn, Aubrey, Josh, Jim, Steve


L to R: Zach, Jake, Me, Bryan, Lynn, Aubrey, Josh

Bryan was able to lead the devotion this day and did a great job talking with the kids.

Above is a view of the valley from the school yard the children have their assemblies in.  It was so sad because you would see children standing outside of the schoolyard listening, but they couldn't come in because there are not enough sponsors or space.  Please pray that God will put it on the hearts of people to sponsor children in the valley and that He will also provide the space for all of them.
