Sunday, March 31, 2013

Out with the People.... Part 9

After lunch on Thursday we once again went out into the valley to do the Bring the Light project again!   As with the previous days we gathered a large following of children wherever we went.  It was so much fun to be walking along and suddenly feel a tiny little hand slip into yours and look down into this sweet, smiling little face. 

Kenyan children are some of the most beautiful children!

A picture from the drive to the valley.

Some of the sweet children, I just loved them, but truly, how can you not?

One of the men on the roof of one of the shanties putting in a plastic skylight for the bring the light project I mentioned before.

Walking in the valley.

Speed was a huge Arsenal fan and loved seeing all of the Arsenal stuff.

Sweet children.

The crowd of children we always managed to collect.

We were there towards the end of the rainy season so for a few days we had some gentle rain.


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