Sunday, October 14, 2012

Of Education, Excitement, Everyday and Etc....

Hey everyone!

This post is going to be a mixture of just about everything, as you can probably tell from the title.  :P

Starting with Education:  This past Friday I took my last CLEP test!!!  Yay!  Now I will be off of school until the middle/end of January when I will begin taking courses through Liberty.  I must admit, I am enjoying the thought of a break since I have not had a break from school work in two years.  I have already been to the library and checked out a lot, and I mean A LOT, of books.  (Did I mention I have already finished some of them?  Yeah, I am a bookworm.)

On to Excitement: As I already announced on facebook Wednesday, I have had my braces removed!!!!
 Here I am on my way to the orthodontists to have my braces removed!!!  I know this isn't the best picture, but it was my last picture with braces.
 Here I am with my orthodontist on the left and one of the incredible technicians.  I have loved every single one of the technicians I have had over the past fourteen months and I am so thankful that we chose Dr. Ratzlaff, he is so great!
My braces are off!  It took a while to get used to them no longer being in my mouth.  When they first came off I felt as if I didn't have any teeth!  Then after they were all polished and the glue removed they felt.... I know this sounds weird.... but they felt almost slimy!  I guess I had really adjusted to the roughness of the brackets!!!!!  :P  I am so thankful I decided to have braces now though.  (I almost didn't let mom and dad put them on me because of my age, but a good friend talked me into them  :) )

Okay, now for Everyday and Etc., or in other words, what has been happening:  Well, this is minor, but I did manage to beat the birds to one of the strawberries off of my strawberry plants today!  It is actually a nice big one this time instead of the tiny one I managed last time.  They are really good and there are so many growing right now, I can really tell the summer heat is over.

This isn't exactly everyday, but my family went to Joplin last Sunday and saw Anthem Lights again, like always they were wonderful.  :)  I would share some pics, but they are still on my dad's phone, sorry!

Well, I am getting so much closer to being ready for Kenya!  I now have t-shirts to wear as well as a power converter.  The latter was quite difficult.  While power converters were easy to find, it was quite another matter finding one that would convert enough for a computer, and we are still hoping that the one we found will work.  The employees at Best Buy did everything in their power to help us, but even they had no answers and could not find any, so hopefully we will be okay!

On an extremely random note, dad earned a lot of brownie points a few weeks ago.  I am one of the people that loves listening to Christmas music year around while my sisters prefer to keep it closer to the Christmas season, so, as you can imagine, it is not very well received when I begin playing Christmas music on the piano around August.  Well, dad and I came up with a wonderful plan, before our grand piano, my sisters and I practiced on an old, electric Rhodes.  It had been sitting in storage and not been used for many years, but dad and I came up with the idea of setting it up in the storage room behind my bedroom in an out of the way part of the house so that I can play Christmas music any time I want, so, can we say that it has been used almost continuously since dad put it up for me?  :D

Well, like I told you, this was an extremely random post, but I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the recent happenings in my life!  (Sorry, no Chocolate Strawberries recently.  :(  )


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