Wow, has it really been close to a month since I last posted??? I am so sorry for all of the silence, but I have been scrambling getting ready for this fall. God has changed my plans for this fall by making an old dream suddenly become a reality. While I am super excited about this, it has meant a lot of my time has been going towards scrambling to get things lined up so that certain deadlines can be met. I hope to in a few weeks after everything is finalized be able to tell you what has been preoccupying my mind and time so much!!!
This past Sunday my dad and I had our first meeting for the missions trip to Kenya! We were able to meet the rest of the team and it was quite an exciting time. At this meeting we discussed just the basics and will be learning more details in the future meetings. There are four or five other people around my age and I am really looking forward to becoming friends with them. In the short time we had to meet they were all really friendly and we had fun talking. At the meeting dad and I learned we would need to apply for our passports right away. Dad had a passport when he was in college, but this will be my first! We went to get our pictures taken on Wednesday and then went and applied yesterday, I can't wait for it to arrive!!!!
picture of the case the pictures were in |
I am getting so excited for November, it is beginning to feel real. I have waited my whole life to go on a missions trip, and getting to hold my passport pictures was my first tangible evidence that I am really going! I hope to give you some updates soon on what has been happening this past month, but I am not going to promise anything since, like I said, I am in a mad dash to get ready for this fall.